About Us

Welcome to Defiant by Design, where we create bold, edgy t-shirts that say what everyone else is thinking. Whether you're taking on tough challenges like cancer with slogans like "Hey Cancer! Kiss my Tail!" or capturing the essence of holiday gatherings with "Turkey and Tension: a Thanksgiving Tradition," our designs empower you to speak your truth with style and humor.

Defiant by Design was born out of a passion for standing up for what's right. Our founder spent years working in corporate veterinary medicine, where she advocated for ethical practices in an often rigid system. Her outspoken nature earned her a reputation—one leader even labeled her "defiant." Rather than shy away from it, she embraced that identity, channeling it into a brand that stands for courage, authenticity, and a bit of sass. Our logo, featuring a DNA helix, represents the core of who we are: designed from the inside out to challenge the norm.

Best of all, 1% of all revenue will be donated to Not One More Vet.  NOMV's mission is to transform the status of mental wellness in veterinary medicine so that veterinary healthcare workers can survive and thrive through education, resources, and support.